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Thursday 24 December 2015

13 best chrismas messages


Saturday 19 December 2015

6 foods that really lower your libido!!! Must read


     6.Fried foods 

So it turns out fried foods as much as we like them,are not goo for our libido. When i say our libido i mean both men and women.This is because they contain trans-fat ,Which are known to lower both male and female libido dramatically. Further more according to Medical daily,the adverse effects could be abnormal production of sperm in men and interference on gestation in women.Experts therefore advice that partners should avoid taking foods like french fries right before sex,as this would spell disaster.

5 most dangerous sex styles and ways apply them safely


Most people argue that since chocolate is made of cocoa which is aphrodisiac it actually can increase one's sex drive,this is because aphrodisiacs contains methylxanthines,which make the skin sensitive to every touch. But according to The Self-Aware Parent,most female patients complain that chocolates make them week and they temporarily loose their libido.Therefore chocolates seem to be harmful to some peoples libido.
 4. Microwave popcorn.

So its a quiet night,you are watching a movie with someone special,then you feel something is missing,ooh!!yeah  microwave popcorn an idea crosses your mind,bad idea.This is because popcorn bags contain contain perfluoroalkyl acids, such as PFOA or PFOS, known to significantly lower sperm counts, according to a 2009 study.The chemicals used in the inner lining of microwave popcorn bags, and those found in nonstick pots and pans, have been linked to a lower sex drive for men,so its better to use homemade popcorn if you plan to have an intimate night.


Licorice is a sugary plant that is used to make candy,herbal tea and other beverages.It turns out a sweet as it is it does no good to your libido,this because it contains phytoestrogens that have been demonstrated to affect the endocrine system.Consumption of licorice has been linked to lower levels of testosterone, a hormone present in both men and women that strengthens sexual drive (Libido).

 2.Dairy Product

If you are planning to have an intimate night with your partner,then make sure that is the day you should avoid dairy product.According to Fitness Magazine,dairy products such as cheese and ice cream derived from cow milk can contain synthetic hormones,which can throw off natural hormones production  in both men and women.This can really lower one's libido.The fact that cow milk contains calcium which is good for sex is not a problem since, calcium can also be found in some leafy greens and other fortified milk  alternatives.

This comes as a surprise to many since it contains many nutrients including vitamin A and B.Eaten in excessive quantity it can also lower the levels of testosterone which is associated with sex drive.Soy can be in many forms:soy milk, tofu, tempeh, natto, miso, shoyu and tamari, as well as in many processed foods.

Friday 18 December 2015

6 coolest transparet gadgets you must see

6.Transparent keyboard

This transparent keyboard concept was brought forward and designed by Kong Fanwen. The keyboard uses  a tiny camera that is able to detect the movement of your fingers and log keystrokes. Though the keys could be programmed to give the feel of a click,it wouldn't give the sensation of a of being pressed.But who cares about a sensation,what matters is about how it looks.
5.Transparent clothes dryer 

What could be more cool than a transparent clothes dryer.Furthermore it uses natural dry air instead of loads of energy making it even more energy efficient.Personally i would by one just to stare at how good it looks.
4. Transparent Watch

Designed to celebrate Issey Miyake watch project's 10 anniversary,the watch is supposed to like it has been sculpted out of a block of ice or water.It was designed by  Japanese designer Tokujin Yoshioka.

3. Transparent toaster

This transparent toaster concept by Osman Can Ozcanli,is not yet near production,simply because they cant get the class to be hot enough safely to toast the bread.The benefit of this concept is that you will no longer over-toast your bread.

 2.CPT002 Aston Martin Phone

Aside from its stunning looks,the transparent Aston Martin phone can control most of the cars functions.Furthermore cameras integrated into the vehicle can be set to periodically update Facebook and Twitter with pictures, video, and information of passing cities/landmarks during road trips."

1. Airbus Plane


This plane uses  a light weigh bionic structure,that mimics the bones in birds and allows for a  transparent canopy.The plane is divided into several zones,the smart tech zone,the vitalizing zone and the interaction zone.Upfront is where you find the vitalizing zone,this is where you can watch the world go through the transparent fuselage of cos while seated on the massage chairs.The rear part of the plane houses the smart tech zone,here you can watch video on the holographic screen or get some work done.

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Wednesday 16 December 2015

10 world's smallest but useful gadgets



          10. Wishbone

It is the world's smallest non-contact temperature meter.As small as it is it is useful,it works with smartphones to improve the way we measure and track our temperature.Actually it can detect temperature in under 2seconds.It can accurately check body,object or any other temperature and it is compatible with both Android and iOS devices.
10.The world smallest combustion engine                            

It is a tiny butane powered combustion engine that was developed at the University of Birmingham

                           8. Smallest revolver(gun)

This Swiss revolver is 5.5 cm long and actually fires 2.3mm ( be about .09 caliber) bullets at over 300mph.The SwissMiniGun is Guinness-certified .In the US it is illegal to import due to being technically unclassifiable under US law, and it's said to be fatal.



It is the smallest pair of wireless ear buds that is  almost invisible, to add on that a pair of these function as one Bluetooth earpiece.How cool is that??

       6.Gen H-4- The Smallest personal Helicopter

This is not as small as the other gadgets in this list but,it is smaller than all other personal helicopters.It is powered by four minuscule 125cc engines,sadly it can only get to a speed of top speed of 59 miles per hour and a flight time of 30 minutes.
                                                         compare the two

Dart is the smallest laptop adapter that can really fit in your pocket. It is designed to have a USB port and a single port.        

 4.Smallest grand piano

This is probably the smallest grand piano ever made .Ooo year its functional.


The Keycharge is an all-in-one keychain backup power source that can power up your smartphone or USB device whenever you need that extra bit of juice.

As the name suggests, it is a small wearable cellphone for kids,to make a call you push a button and speak to the Tinitell.It's voice recognition software is what makes this possible. Moreover it allows you to receive calls from any telephone number.You can use its app or website to define who can call and also assign numbers that will be answered automatically by Tinitell. You can forward calls from your smartphone to your Tinitell. Also you can use its built-in GPS system to keep the track of your kid. . It works with iOS and Android smartphones.

  1.Smallest Solar Power Vehicle

The solar panel, a small circuit, and electric motor make up this cute ride. The dimensions are 3.3 x 2.2 x 1.4 cm.You are probably asking yourself how useful is this small car ,well buy it for you kid and you will know.

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