unorthodox spelling and grammar while texting does not stop them
learning the rules of formal English, suggests research.
Just over 160 children, aged between eight and 16, from the West Midlands, took part in the snapshot study. The researchers compared spelling and grammar in formal tests and in text messages, at the start of the project and again after a year.
The results showed the most creative texters were among the best spellers.
The children were asked to copy out all their text messages over a two-day period.
'Creative violations' They were also asked to do a range of spelling, grammar and cognitive tests.
The process was repeated after 12 months.
They found that for the primary age children in the sample, use of ungrammatical word forms and unconventional spelling in texts was linked to better spelling ability 12 months later.
For secondary students, the use of word reduction when texting, was also associated with better spelling.
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