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Friday, 13 June 2014

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Boot up: Google 'Nearby'?, big data myths, Tim Cook's mistake…

Internet privacy: Caution tape on computer
Caution: computer at work. Photograph: D. Hurst/Alamy
A burst of 10 links for you to chew over, as picked by the Technology team
Fred Wilson (whose venture capital company has invested in DuckDuckGo):
assuming that Google's search volume keeps growing at 15% per year, DuckDuckGo would be doing 1.7% of Google's daily search volume in three years.
So there is certainly a market out there for people who will accept a slightly weaker product in exchange for privacy. It's not 25% of the market. It may not even be 5% of the market. But I believe it is well north of 1% of the market.
And if that is the case, are there other big product categories out there other than search where privacy could be used as a competitive vector? How about email? How about messaging? How about maps? How about browsers?
I think we are going to see this play out in the coming years. DuckDuckGo is making it work. Why won't others do the same?
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